CRAFTSMAN Adjustable Wrench All Steel 24-Inch (CMMT81627)
【商品名】 CRAFTSMAN Adjustable Wrench All Steel 24-Inch (CMMT81627) 職人の調整可能なレンチ、すべて鋼、24インチ(CMMT81627) 【カテゴリー】Adjustable Wrenches(モンキーレンチ) : Craftsman 【商品説明】 ・VERSATILITY: Wide opening jaws of this wrench are designed for added versatility ・CORROSION RESISTANCE: Adjustable wrench has a chrome finish for corrosion resistance ・CONVENIENCE: CRAFTSMAN tools come with Metric and SAE Scale for easy gauging of work piece size ・Meets or Exceeds ASME Specifications
CRAFTSMAN Adjustable Wrench All Steel 24-Inch (CMMT81627)
【カテゴリー】Adjustable Wrenches(モンキーレンチ) : Craftsman
・VERSATILITY: Wide opening jaws of this wrench are designed for added versatility
・CORROSION RESISTANCE: Adjustable wrench has a chrome finish for corrosion resistance
・CONVENIENCE: CRAFTSMAN tools come with Metric and SAE Scale for easy gauging of work piece size
・Meets or Exceeds ASME Specifications