I bought this sofa at 119,000 yen at NITORI in August 2022. It is a three-seater electric extending leather sofa, which can also be converted into a two-seater with a table.
I live in Hiratsuka. It is too large for delivery, you need to come and pick it up. Due to the inconvenience, I have set the price very low.
BTW, it can be separated into 3 single seats. The last photo is the size.
I have a dog (Labrador), fully vaccinated. I will clean the sofa in advance.
ニトリ 3人用電動本革テーブル付きリクライニングソファ(グラッゼ2 BK)
商品コード 1146420
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I bought this sofa at 119,000 yen at NITORI in August 2022. It is a three-seater electric extending leather sofa, which can also be converted into a two-seater with a table.
I live in Hiratsuka. It is too large for delivery, you need to come and pick it up. Due to the inconvenience, I have set the price very low.
BTW, it can be separated into 3 single seats. The last photo is the size.
I have a dog (Labrador), fully vaccinated. I will clean the sofa in advance.